October 16, 2009

Busy signal

Dear Jamaican Postal Service,

How is it that you manage to lose my mail? You're making me look bad, mon! After promising my darling business partner that I would set a good example for our blog fans and be sure to mail a postcard from Negril .... the post office has to go and lose my letter! And it was a dang good letter, too! Now I get the sads every time I check our PO Box and don't find my palm tree-and-sandy-beaches card awaiting me. (Then again, with Minneapolis weather lately, perhaps this is a mercy in disguise.)

Sincerely, Jen

OK, digression over. What a week it's been for us here at C/S headquarters! Phew. Just getting our website launched, blog template updated, and social media platforms in visual step with our brand has been a rather gargantuan task (though certainly a labor of love). Add to that our writing of a major proposal and cover-to-cover content for a client project, and sheesh! It's a busy agenda indeed. And no rest for the wicked, apparently, because we have photo shoots and more over the weekend, too.

Still .... we wouldn't want it any other way. Idle hands may or may not be the devil's playthings, but they're certainly no good for business. While we may have a lot to do, it's certainly fun stuff — intellectually stimulating, visually interesting, strategically nuanced. Plus, it keeps us indoors, out of the rain/sleet/snow/general nastiness that is October in Minneapolis.

Still, happy weekend to our beloved fans, and if you're lucky enough to have some time to relax ..... do a little relaxing on our behalves, too!

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