November 13, 2009

MNAMA '09 Recap, Part III: Get Your Shop On

Happy Friday! (And Friday the 13th, no less .... ) I'm afraid we'll be spending our weekends working, but that doesn't mean we can't breathe a sigh of relief that Friday has, at last, arrived. This has been one heck of a week here at C/S — wonderful, undoubtedly, but I don't think either of us has been able to catch our breath!

I did want to take the opportunity, though, to reflect on another great presentation from the MNAMA conference while it's still fresh in my mind. Entitled "Leveraging Customer Marketing to Drive ROI at Retail," the session was led by Amy Dragland-Johnson at SC Johnson and Shelly Sinas at Pepperidge Farm. The dynamic duo provided a fascinating overview of customer marketing — a topic about which I had much to learn!

Customer marketing, the guru-istas explained, essentially means approaching marketing from the retail perspective. Insights are developed from the shopper's point of view, and leveraged in retail situations to facilitate product purchase. There are tons of opportunities for creative approaches here — the presenters discussed, for example, an initiative debuted at Target stores that paired Ziploc baggies and Goldfish snack crackers on aisle endcap displays. Brilliant! Like Forest Gump would say, they go together like peas and carrots .... heh. The initiative was a smashing success, leading to sales growth for both products and resulting in increased overall brand visibility for both companies.

It was fascinating to take in this unique marketing perspective. As someone with an agency-side background, most of the work we do for retail products is complete well before the actual item hits stores. We're used to developing the back-end concept and creative for products, but tend to have very little interaction with the actual retailer or the consumer at point-of-purchase. It seems to me that there's a wealth of opportunity for enterprising agencies to utilize their creative talents to devise strategic customer marketing solutions — and both presenters echoed the client-side desire to work with agencies that can bring this skill to the table. Definitely something we'll explore more here at C/S!

But now, back to InDesign, photo selection, copywriting, and those other parts of The Biz .... Happy Friday, one and all!

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