March 12, 2010

A Brilliant Balancing Act

Before Jen and I founded Crazy Savvy, I surmised (correctly, whew!) that there would be many facets of running my own business that I would find gratifying. Back when I was in the planning phases, knowing that I would be giving up a modicum of security by stepping out on my own, I drafted a list of the potential benefits of running my own show — a list heavily dominated by themes of autonomy, freedom, and flexibility.

Like all entrepreneurs, I was motivated by a desire to stretch my wings beyond the confines of my role as an employee. Now, a full nine months into this new life as a businesswoman, I can report that it really does feel wonderful to run my own show. I am continually delighted to observe just how much more productive I am now that work/life responsibilities can naturally flow as needed. To wit, it's parent-teacher conference time once again. How wonderful does it feel to be able to go during traditional working hours without that nagging feeling that I'm somehow shortchanging my employer? So. Wonderful.

This has me thinking about how businesses can structure workplace cultures that are truly supportive of work/life balance. As C/S continues to grow and evolve in the future, this is a value that will be at the core of our work environment. I am enjoying reading about companies near and far with innovative programs in this arena — Clockwork's Babies at Work program immediately springs to mind. Of course, Crazy Savvy is a bit young yet to be formulating such policies, but I'm filing examples like these away for future reference. (Got any to share? Hit me up. I'd love to see 'em.)

Speaking of work/life balance, here's wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. (Please let the sun come out in Minneapolis, weather gods! Please?)

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