July 30, 2009

Of style & substance

With new projects on the horizon, I'm finding myself thinking a lot about the relationship between writing and graphic design. As a writer, I learned long ago that words don't often get the respect they deserve. I can't tell you the number of times over the course of my career that I heard, "Oh, nobody's going to read it anyway." (A sentiment you will never hear expressed over here at Crazy Savvy, Inc. World Headquarters, by the way!)

If she's going to survive, a writer has to quickly develop a thick skin — we all know that. But if she’s going to thrive, a savvy communications pro has to not only understand the relationship between content and design, but champion it.

It’s a pity — and an entirely unproductive way of working — when content and design are kept sequestered in their own separate corners. Design alone can’t carry the kind of strategic messages our clients are counting on us to convey. After all, no matter how beautifully designed a piece may be, how effective will it be if the type is difficult to read? Likewise, we’ve all seen the impact of a beautifully designed brochure fall flat when there’s no substance behind it.

The best writing and design work together to create a dynamic message that resonates on more than one level. Simple in theory, surprisingly rare in execution.

And that’s today’s coffee break manifesto.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your coffee break manifesto! Substance can have it's own style, but melding the two together is always a craft. Good luck!
