May 13, 2010

Hitting the jackpot (in so many ways)

I'd love to post something really witty and substantive today, but I just don't think it's in the cards. My brain is still a little fuzzy from last weekend's medical adventure. (I think I belong on House. Although as the good doctor or one of his patients, I'm really not sure.) After heading off to the ER for what seemed to be a cut-and-dry case of appendicitis, we instead discovered (many hours later) that I was suffering from the bite of a black widow spider. Two bites, to be precise. Rare in Minnesota, but not unheard of .... go figure.

Anyway, much excitement abounded, but now I'm on the road to recovery .... a road navigated largely from the comfort of my couch in front of the fireplace. And believe me, the fireplace is a necessity, because here in Minneapolis, we've been going on nearly two weeks of solid rain. Delightful.

But never fear, even with half its leadership team temporarily down for the count, Crazy Savvy continues its adventures in communications and marketing. With some exciting presentations on the horizon, it's looking to be a satisfying end of the month. We're getting back to our roots, tackling a number of projects that combine strategy and creative in stimulating ways. And we're fast approaching our official one-year anniversary — look for more news about the celebration next week! Hard to believe it's been a year .... I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

But it's back to the couch for me (actually, I haven't left it .... how did people survive before the days of laptops and wireless?). To brighten up this very wet and dreary Thursday, we'll share some fan-mail from a much-loved (and jet-set) client of ours. I have no doubt that the weather in Vegas is infinitely nicer than ours here ....

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